Our previous research and data collection was funded by profits from Delfin Amor Eco Lodge, which now does not exist, and donations to our foundation, Vida Marina. The foundation’s biggest funder lost their fortune in the Bernie Madoff scandal, just when we were about to receive a grant of $250,000 and as a result, our foundation could no longer stay afloat. We are now in need of researchers, marine biologists, research equipment and materials in order to continue the collection of data for written scientific reports both supporting the MPA initiative and once established, maintaining it and enforcing laws and regulations within.
Phase I of our project includes continuing data collection, including Photo ID and video evidence, and comparing it with our previous data to generate reports and graphs on the current state of the ocean off the Osa Peninsula. We will gather signatures for an online Petition in support of the MPA and coordinate meetings with all concerned parties in the communities affected by the borders of the proposed MPA and the local government for input and strategy and completing an Implementation and Management Plan for the Marine Protected Area.
Earth Island Institute has graciously donated a high tech hydrophone and digital recording system to us, but we need much more to carry out our research and to take the steps necessary towards creating the MPA.
All equipment purchased in Phase I will be used for all other phases and beyond. If all funds are not received, we will purchase the most important equipment and move forward the best we can.